How 2 Caravan Podcast: Caravanning Advice | Outdoors | Travel

[PODCAST] H2C 002: Storing your caravan and keeping secure



Episode 2 of the How 2 Caravan Podcast is now live for you to listen to. Either download it through your Podcast app on your Apple device or use the little grey media player above this text to listen to this episode. Episode Summary In this episode I talk about caravan storage and keeping your caravan secure whilst in storage. This is a topic that is highly relevant for new caravanners and people who are looking to put their caravans in to storage. I talk about all the different options that are open to you when it comes to storage locations, and I also talk about security devices that can help to keep your caravan secure. Notes for Reference If you own a caravan you are going to need somewhere to store it. If you store it somewhere you are going to need to keep it secure. Let's look at your options for storing your caravan: At home - on the driveway / in the garden Farmers field Farmers barn Registered CASSOA site (Caravan Storage Site Owners Association) Facts about CaSSOA Represent caravan stor