Confronting Normal With Renae Kulhawe And Cindy Keating

Confronting Culture, What Did You Just Say?



In classic Confronting Normal style, there is little in the way of answers with this episode. But there is a distinct takeaway around the idea that the way of Jesus is indeed a lot more than a set of beliefs, and that as much as ever before we need to think critically and not just consume all that comes at us. Today we sit down with long-time friends of the podcast, Matt Rigby and Alex Marriott, to discuss, well, everything. To note: this episode covers a lot of ground, from Kayne West, Bono, Billy Graham and Relevant Magazine, to Rob Bell, Mars Hill, and seemingly everything else in between—ha! You really don’t want to miss this gem of an episode.  The post Confronting Culture, What Did You Just Say? appeared first on Confronting Normal.