Find Your Glee With Dinah G

16. Fierce After 40: Six Tips for Your Younger Self



It’s so important to look at how far you’ve come and to celebrate the older wiser woman you are becoming.  These are the Top 6 Things that I Wish I Would Have Told My Younger Self: LET IT WORK ITSELF OUT- Give it time- Be patient and trust that it will work out over time- There’s no need to rush it- No Need to overwhelm yourself with unrealistic timelines or expectations- Take a break from the chaos- get out in nature, have fun, try new things… WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I would want to try to fix things right away and sometimes it would make things work- now each situation is different and some may require quick action, but in most cases I’ve learned to step back, give it some time and love and let it sit for a while without dwelling on it (It takes discipline and practice to not dwell, but keep working on it- find your mantras to say during this time like- "I chose love and trust time will heal this…") DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL- When someone lashes out at you- 9 times out of 10 it is because of something THEY are INT