Kimberly D. Scott

Caregivers Stories: Lisa B Capp shares her caregiver story and journey with her mother, Vera



#thatkimberly #caregiverstories I had the pleasure to interview and speak to Lisa B. Capp, a writer, an activist, and a dementia caregiving survivor. She shares a journey through being a caregiver to her mom Vera had dementia and passed away in 2015. 18 years ago, Lisa's mom moved in with her and her husband, after my dad passed away so half of the journey was spent living with her and then the last half of her journey on yours was in full memory care. At the time, Lisa was working with a Fortune 100 companies as an international consultant in the high tech and was traveling the world and trying to manage caregiving, with her husband playing boots on the ground through a lot of that. Now, Lisa is retired from being a family caregiver, and giving back, spending time with folks who are doing awesome things in this community helping others understand dementia and caregiving.  Learn more about Lisa B. Capp by connecting with her: Website: email: LinkedIn: