"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Beyond 101 Gold Nuggets Of Advice with Luba Rascheff



In spite of Luba Rascheff’s many accomplishments and successes with academia and writing – it is Luba’s remarkable resolve as an empowered woman, while  healing herself back from an abusive marriage and near death encounter, which I am most in awe and admiration of! A not to be missed show guest this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network - Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald weekly show guest!  Luba Rascheff was born in Toronto, Ontario to immigrant parents: a Greek mother and a Bulgarian father. A love for the arts, literature, and visual expression stems from her father’s side from which emerged priests in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and cinematographers linked to the inception of Bulgarian cinema. Luba’s appreciation of theology and business derives from her mother’s side which can be traced back 800 years to ancient Mesopotamia and, three centuries later, to the Byzantine Empire where Luba’s well-known ancestor, Theodose Zygomalas (1544 -1607)—an erudite scholar—lived and was ‘Protonotary of the Gre