"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Unlock Your Potential with Regina Rowlison



What an incredible honour and an amazing gift for myself and the loyal Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald global radio listeners and podcast subscribers as will be joined by my spitfire, Aussie sister, and business collaborator, Regina Rowlison on the airwaves! Not many people who can say that they have successfully founded the World’s First and Only of anything let alone the Neuro Accelerated Brain Training! Truly grateful to this trail-blazing woman for welcoming me into the Cinematography world with our own SEC Film – The Secret to Living Fearlessly this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network for A NOT to be missed show guest! If you missed the live show, click here for a special offer http://mybraincamp.com/wp/promotion/!!!! Regina is an innovator, mentor, visionary and the founder of Use Your Powers and creator of the World’s First and Only Self-Empowerment Cinematography Films (SEC Films) designed to promote success in all areas of life including health, wealth & relationships. Her SEC films are a un