"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Personal Power Mastery with Douglas Vermeeren



When the top-tier influencers of today such as Bob Proctor, Gary Vee, Oprah, Tony Robbins know who you are and refer to you as friend, peer and colleague, you know you’ve earned the title of the ‘Napoleon Hill’ of today! Super excited and immensely grateful to be interviewing, Doug Vermeeren, one of the world’s sought out experts who has regularly appeared on all the conglomerate networks such as CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBS and many others for his world renowned success strategies!  A NOT to be missed show guest this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network!  Douglas Vermeeren’s search for success strategies took him into the offices of the founders and CEO's of such companies as Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, American Airlines, UGG boots, Uber, KFC, McDonalds, Disney, United Airlines and Microsoft. As a result, ABC Television and FOX Business are referring to him as the modern-day Napoleon Hill. He is also the producer and director of three out of the top ten personal development movies ever filmed,