"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

You Absolutely CAN Unleash Your Hidden Dreams with Linda Clay



Many people have been interviewed on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald over the past four years however, there are very few guests who have had to overcome a succession of life-altering, and traumatic events one after another like Linda M Clay! What makes her exceptionally remarkable in my books is that she took every single incident of heartache and adversity and not only rallied and championed for herself…Linda has done the same for the collective and is seriously transforming lives this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network! Linda’s gift is guiding others on how to map out their life and business. She draws upon her past struggles and successes, personal and professional, in her coaching; which supports determined, power-filled women who are in the corporate world and women who are ready to break free to create more time and live life on their terms.  She uses an integrative approach to life, mindset and business treating each one as a separate unit and then connecting them together. Her use of holist