"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

A Prescription for Evolution, Revolution and Global Awakening



When a person is referred to as the new, Alan Watts, I take serious notice! Inspired by ancient eastern wisdom, Yun Rou’s Mad Monk Manifesto is a tour guide to consciousness, a recipe for personal development, a prescription for environmental restoration, and a helpful handbook for social change! Immensely grateful to be joined by Monk Yun Rou this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network!! Yun Rou (the name means Soft Cloud) has been called the new Alan Watts. Born Arthur Rosenfeld in New York City, he received his academic background at Yale, Cornell, and the University of California, and was ordained a Daoist monk in Guangzhou, China in 2012. Host of the hit National Public Television show “Longevity Tai Chi”, he is the author more than 15 books, including award-winning novels optioned for film in Hollywood and Asia. In recent years his non-fiction books offer Daoist prescriptions for the challenges of culture, society, and everyday living, while his novels bring a New York literary sensibility to the emerg