"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

The Persistence of Trees with Jon Park-Wheeler



How can I not showcase one of the greatest beacons of light I have ever come to know on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald?! The world is a brighter place because of Jon Park-Wheeler on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network!! Jon Park-Wheeler was born in Ottawa, Ontario at some point in the previous millennium, and declines to be more specific on the topic. Carbon-14 dating performed on mustache clippings, however, reveals his date of birth to be sometime after the invention of the alphabet, and sometime before the invention of the emoji, which seems to be replacing the alphabet. He cannot remember a time in his life when he did not play music. (This means that either he has been playing forever, or has a faulty memory. We choose to endorse the former, without ruling out the latter entirely.) Like most children of his era, he was dragged kicking and screaming to piano lessons when he was barely out of diapers, and in spite of himself acquired the rudiments of music. Jon was drawn to the guitar when the Beatles le