Networkwise Presents: Conversations With Connors

Kerri Accardi: Campaigning for Cannabis Cognizance



On December 10th, 2013 Kerri Accardi, a filmmaker and activist from New York  began a journey "with a mission to educate the world about Cannabis and help the change laws.” If I didn’t highlight Passion at the forefront of  this introduction than you would have accused me of being  asleep at the wheel during our conversation….  You want to talk about someone inspired and driven…. Well, let me tell you this, nobody is getting in her way. From the depths of a deep personal loss, Kerri Accardi, the CEO of 420 Media, found from within a super human desire to serve others.  Her company is dedicated to helping the legal cannabis industry get the educated word out.   We delve into what cannabis is, why it’s illegal, she gives us a crash course on CBD and some of the biggest challenges she’s facing today.  We also discuss how her relationships have been critical to the movement, who has helped her, her rule of thumb on getting back to people and how she facilitates introductions. I strive to bring you guests with pas