Networkwise Presents: Conversations With Connors

William Doll: Coexisting with the One Percent



If Catholic school taught William Doll anything it was that he does not fit in to the System. He is the square peg. Every conventional job he's ever held made him feel trapped. Luckily enough, he has a wife who allowed him to take a chance on forming his own company which continues to be a learning experience. Syneidesis (Greek for Conscience) is a private investor community of Single Family Office members who collaborate on scalable impact projects. Members also engage in traditional investing, but Impact Investing is what really gives Doll hope. Impact Investing could be the key to how we realign the global economy. Its not just pie in the sky thinking. Shared Prosperity/ Equality/ Long-Termism - these are the principles that will guide us to a more inclusive Globalism. Being on our podcast is somewhat intimidating for Doll because he doesn't actually want the spotlight. Actions speak louder than words according to Doll. Find NetWorkWise on: Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube LinkedIn  Reddit