Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Parei de um dia pro outro



How have you been? Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms que tem tudo a ver com tentar abandonar um vício ou hábito fortemente enraizado... e as sensações desagradáveis que às vezes aparecem depois disso. Não perca! Se você está recebendo este episódio por email, clique aqui para ouvir o podcast no site. Transcrição How have you been? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! Ok, everyone. Our two idioms of today can easily go together in a story. They don't always have to, but they make sense together and you'll see why very soon. Also, if you watch TV shows and movies regularly, you've heard these before... guaranteed. Ok, imagine that you know someone who's depressed. I mean, clinically depressed. Let's say it's your friend... Mary. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with depression, and then she started taking anti-depressants. And she took anti-depressants for several months and then one day, for whatever r