Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: What’s the point?



What's up? Hoje eu falo sobre expressões super comuns com a palavra point, como there's no point. Não perca! Transcrição What's up? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, let's get started: remember last week's episode, when I talked about the idiom 'cry over spilt milk'? Well... there's no point, really, in crying over spilt milk. There is no point. Point, in this expression here, means something like purpose or use. There's no use, there's no purpose in crying over spilt milk. So for example: you decide to plan a surprise party for your classmate Tony the next 13th of February. Then you find out Tony and his family are moving to another country on the eleventh. There is no point now in planning a party for Tony, right? What is the point of planning this party? Tony won't be around anyway, and the whole point of the party was... Tony. So I bet that if you regularly watch TV shows and movies you've heard