Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Time to step up your game



How are you doing? Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre mais duas expressões super comuns do inglês do dia-a-dia. Não perca! Transcrição How are you doing? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, imagine you're working with your boss on a sales proposal for a new client. The two of you have worked on it for a couple of days, and you both agree that it looks alright. So, now you're both presenting the proposal in the client's meeting room, and the client people don't look like they're buying it. They look kind of suspicious... or just a bit unconvinced. So, by the end of the presentation, the head of Strategy for the client is saying “You know, we were expecting better terms, and a better offer in general. We have cheaper offers from other companies that do exactly the same thing you offer, but we were ho