Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Passwords



Hi, there. Hoje eu falo sobre.... senhas! Como você escolhe as suas? Eu conto como escolho as minhas. Enjoy :) Transcrição Hi, everyone, how's it going? How are you doing? Welcome to another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. You know what I was thinking about, today and yesterday... a little bit yesterday? Passwords. I'm just moving browsers, I'm just kind of switching from Chrome over to Firefox, which I used ages ago. I was a very loyal user of Firefox until... it just became a bit clunky and it wasn't working so well. I kind of abandoned it and switched over to Chrome... but now it's the opposite. Chrome doesn't suit me anymore, it's just... I just don't like the fact that I use so many Google products. I don't fully trust Google to take care of my personal information. Basically I think I'm giving Google too much personal information. I'm kind of trying to disentangle myself from Google a little bit and Chrome happens to not be working so well. Chrome sometimes is way slower than other browsers. I'