Don't Read The Latin

DRtL Episode 57: Favorite Directors!



Hello, Latin Club! If you've been following us for a while, then you know we've had our episodes in the past about Wes Craven and John Carpenter -- but there are so many other horror movie directors whose work we avidly follow. We don't necessarily have a full episode's worth of things to say about each and every one of them, so we thought, why not do a grab-bag of everyone who's work we admire? Join us as we discuss our Favorite Directors! (The Media List for this episode is a little spotty -- we mentioned a lot of movies very briefly in passing that did not make it into the Media List, but hopefully everything we discuss in any detail should be listed here.) As always, let us know what you think in the comments, and please take a minute to rate and review us on iTunes to let your fellow horror fans know we’re worth checking out. Thanks! _______ COME SEE US AT CRYPTICON! If you're a horror aficionado in the greater Seattle area, you probably know that next weekend (May 5-7, 2017) is Crypticon Seattle, t