Roses Radio Podcast

Roses Radio Episode #7 - Tynan Narywonczyk



Roses Radio is a podcast series of open and frank discussions with courageous people who have a lived experience of suicide.  We hope the conversations help those who are trying to understand suicide and for many, to understand their own experience. Each podcast has it’s own unique perspective and all encompassing view of suicide irrespective of the place from which you view it.  Join us today for a deeply personal and sometimes confronting journey that we hope will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. This episode we bring you the inspiring story of Tynan Narywonczyk a young man who has rebuilt his life after a crippling workplace accident that left him in a coma and on work cover for 3 years. The recovery process and the endless Doctors negative assesment of his future lead him to suicidal thoughts . Tynan has now turned his life around, fired on by training and competing for the iron man triathlon event, a gruelling 12 hr event that combines swimming 5 km running, cycling 130 km and run