On The Counter Soccer Podcast With Drew Pells

Ozil quits Germany, alleged match fixing in Italy, Alexis Sanchez visa denial, Chelsea should sell Hazard



#59! I'm back from some time off after the world cup and have lots to talk about. Ozil quite the German national team citing racism and I'll explain what's really going on, there's an investigation in Italy about possible match fixing at the end of last year, Alexis Sanchez arrived in the US late to join Man U for preseason training because of visa issues, and I add more to the argument that Chelsea need to sell Hazard.Thanks for listening. Sign up for my email list for free content and more https://mailchi.mp/1ca6e468d748/soccer-business-laugh-your-ass-offLike my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/onthecounterpodcast/