
Daggermetrics: Andrew Luck Special



After the shocking news of Andrew Luck's retirement, we look back into his whole career, from a phenomenon rising star in Stanford University, to the No.1 pick and his seven years in the NFL, playing for the Indianapolis Colts, his life beyond the field and comparing him with the legendary Peyton Manning, his best games and his impact on his team, his nagging injury and his decision to call it a career. No Heisman trophy, no Super Bowl ring, stepped away from the game right before the season starts and right after a Comeback Player of the Year award season, Andrew Luck left so many stories to tell. We decided to give him this special episode, in honor of his career, and bid a farewell on the field to a great person himself. 魔球理论班 Andrew Luck 特辑 00:00:24 开场介绍 00:01:04 小马四分卫Luck不堪伤病折磨,突然宣布退役 00:04:30 斯坦福的天之骄子 00:08:32 阴差阳错,Luck接班Manning 00:16:22 经典比赛回顾,新秀赛季击败那个男人的包装工,二年级对话Manning的野马,季后赛逆转酋长 00:21:16小马建队方针走偏,对Luck保护不足 00:25:19 伤病猛于虎,可惜Luck一身才华无从发挥 00:30:56 有无Luck对于小马的区别 00:33:25 球场外的Luck,朴实而有主见 00:36:37 结语