The Tracy & Craig Show

Scott Turner Schofield joins us Tuesday at 3 CST (1 PST)



Join us this Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at 3:00 PM CST (1:00 PM PST) as we will have Scott Turner Schofield on the show. Scott  is an award winning actor and diversity speaker. His purpose in life is to inspire Hollywood, your school, your job, and your family to embrace transgender people. Scott's TEDx talk in Houston, Texas, has become an instant hit on You Tube.  I encourage you to watch if you have not seen this. Here is the link:  Scott has spent 12 plus years as an internationally-acclaimed theater artist. In 2015, Scott changed daytime TV by becoming the first openly transgender actor in daytime TV history. Scott made his debut on May 8, 2015, joining The Bold and The Beautiful cast as Nick, a "transgender mentor". This is a recurring role for Scott. One of his generation's trailblazers in the movement for transgender liberation, since 2002 Schofield has used a successful mix of storytelling and advocacy to change policies at educational institutions, corporations, and spir