The Tracy & Craig Show

Join Our Friday Show for Women Who Like Women! Special Guest - Trish Bendix



Most of you know we save the best for Fridays! This Friday, in addition to our usual conversations, we will be joined by none other than Trish Bendix.  As you know, Trish was the incredible editor for Sadly, we learned this week that this website that is so important to many of us is making big changes - and not ones we like.  We must stand hand in hand as women, queer women, and keep our place in the media among other parts of our community.  We will be discussing what happened with Trish.  Try to find out what is really happening with AE.  Most of all, we want to offer our support to Trish and give her the respect she deserves along with the AE writing team. Joining me as always is Delina Roberts, our Entertainment Consultant. Delina is a marketing consultant, writer and founder of the lesbian-centric entertainment news website provides articles, reviews and interviews on films, TV shows and web series for lesbians and bisexual women. The show starts at 1:00 PM EST