Primal Wisdom

#7 Primal Wisdom with Govan Kilgour



We're thrilled to be joined by Govan Kilgour, the owner of Secrets of Longevity! His main areas of study and research include holistic health, meditation, physical fitness, diet and metaphysics. It was through all of these disciplines that he found the common vein that linked them all together. His training includes but is not limited to: Jiulong Baguazhang and other Li family arts, Freedomind meditation, Sound healing therapy, Reiki, Biofeedback specialist for stress and pain management, and herbalism and diet. He has a very grounded style of relaying information and is a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of topics. If you're interested in exploring more of his work, visit his channel on YouTube called "SecretsOfLongevity" or his website, 1:18 Introduction 2:40 Raw veganism 6:07 Hippocrates 8:06 Science vs intuition 11:02 Experimentation 12:00 pH myth 15:18 Depleted soil 18:00 Remineralization 20:35 Hormonal balance 24:32 Youthing/anti-aging 31:00 Power of mind or transhuman