Fulfilling Life's Yearnings With Blake Soulet

Billionaire Shark Tank Investor, Daymond John, and the Lessons I Learned From Him | FLY039



FLY 039: Lessons From Billionaire, Daymond John…Founder of FUBU & Star Investor on Shark Tank   All it takes is a split second in each of our lives for us to seer our destiny. -Daymond John     What’s up FLY Zone,     A few years ago, when I was a senior at at Hope College, I had the opportunity to go to an event at Oakland University, called the Keeper of the Dream Scholarship Awards Celebration. I went because I happened to be home for the weekend, and I found out that Billionaire, Daymond John, founder of FUBU and Star Investor on Shark Tank, was going to be there as the Keynote Speaker.   Today’s episode is about what he said in that Keynote Speech, as it ties in with Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings. I take his main points an --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/blake-soulet/support