Shamangelic Healing Podcast With Anahata Ananda

Winning the Amazing Race of Life with Colin & Christie



The Amazing Race Winners Colin Guinn and Christie Woods return from the Reality TV show having successfully tested mindfulness, law of attraction, meditation and positive mindset strategies. The couple share their winning secrets for staying focused, positive, manifesting abundance and maintaining a healthy conscious relationship. We also explore how Law of Attraction really works and dispel manifestation myths. The powerful strategy of letting go of low vibrations such as resentment, blame, frustration & victimhood. Leveraging a positive mindset, no matter what is happening externally. How meditation, breathing and mindfulness can be utilized to re-center when triggered. Conscious relationship strategies of holding space, compassion and presence. What choices enhance or hinder performance, productivity, success and manifestation. Various brain wave states and when/how to use them. Embodying authentic power when facing haters, critics and external judgement. Witnessing situations with non-attachment and a