Npc Update-1

Students Learning To Determine What's True and What Isn't



America’s young people are learning how to separate fact from fiction in the information avalanche that hits them every day. The National Association for Media Literacy recently held its annual conference in Washington, D.C. National Press Club member Irv Chapman interviews three of its leading participants on this edition of Update-1. Belinha de Abreu of Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut chairs the annual conference, Jeff Share teaches new teachers at UCLA, and Natasha Casey teaches at Blackburn College in Carlinville, Illinois. They discuss helping elementary school students learn how the news media work by recording their own podcasts, interviewing family members; how college students can use social media to improve social conditions; and how they all benefit when teachers go beyond the dos and don'ts of web surfing. Besides listening on, Update-1 can be found on iTunes, Stitcher and TuneIn by searching for "Update-1."