Body Of Christ Radio Network

Get Babies Consent to Change Diapers



During an Australian ABC News interview, Sex Expert Deanne Carson, suggested that parents should gain their babies consent before changing diapers.  The subject was taken up by Tucker Carlson in an interview with Cathy Areu in his show’s segment titled “The Liberal Sherpa”.  Areu expressed support for gaining babies consent before changing diapers.  Both Carson and Areu appear to be educated, accomplished and successful. With individuals of this apparent caliber asserting that parents should gain consent from babies, does it mean that parenting is headed in a “new improved” direction?  Unlike parents 50 to 100 years ago, many parents will not use spankings as a means of disciplining their children.  Decades ago spankings were traded in for timeouts and a great number of people bought into that then “new” style of parenting.  Is this another “new” style of parenting on the horizon?  If so, is this one that should be embraced?  If a new style of parenting is embraced, how should defiant children be handled? ht