Full Exposure With Brian Kelly

Bill Schwab - *ON LOCATION



I’m so stoked, you guys. This the premiere episode of “Full Exposure: ON LOCATION.” This is where we take the podcast on the road, travel to our guest, create the portraits and record the podcast in a location that is significant to them. In Bill Schwab’s case, I traveled deep into the woods to his home and the epicenter of his photography workshops in one of the most beautiful places in the world; Harbor Springs, Michigan. I hope to do many more episodes like this where we escape the walls of my studio from time to time. Bill Schwab’s poetic photographs will likely be forever associated with Detroit, his hometown of Dearborn…and Iceland. Check out a cross-section of his amazing work in the photo gallery below. In my opinion, he’s one of the finest living photographers working today. Bill and I have enjoyed a long and rich history. For nearly 20 years, Bill’s been a very influential friend that was instrumental in encouraging me in the earliest years of my shaky, naive, professional start as a photographer. I