Limited Fork

Limited Fork Quality Control (CREW 2.0)



A spoken poam for practitioners, dabbler or immersed, the curious and for the attendees --also for those who could not attend-- my CREW (Collaboratory for Reseach in Electronic Work) Seminar last week in the School of Information (north campus), a session during which an attendee in the remote West Hall (central campus)location asked me about the challenge of judging the quality of Limited Fork poams if there are no boundaries to what may achieve the status of poam. This audio poam comes from further consideration of the question and my response at the time. This is extended collaboration with the asker of the question. This audio poam also suggests ways to respond to work created outside the system of evaluation within which student forkers explore my Limited Fork learning opportunities. To the attendee whose name I don't know, thanks for asking. Thanks also to Mick and David for arranging my participation in CREW.