Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

A snap shot regarding college life from a goal driven Michigan State University student – Episode 009



This interview has a special place in my heart because this episode is with my nephew Jacob, the younger of my brother’s two boys. We started introducing the ProScan assessments to my nephews before they were 10 years of age and here he is already 24-where have the years gone… my father, his grandfather would be so proud of them both. Listening to Jacob reminded me of some of the dynamics and choices of living off campus during my day. In preparation for our interview I printed off a series of Jacob’s scans to discuss his behavioral modification from his youth to where he is now moving into his set adulthood behavior. We discussed his part-time pizza delivery job; common social distractions and I even asked about what behavior he would look for in a special woman. Without hesitation you’ll enjoy this episode. If so please rank it for us… thanks in advance for listening to Sound Behavior!