Sandra Webber's Own It Podcast

Teacher or Police Officer - Angus Brereton



Angus – Teacher or Police Officer Angus Brereton is a perfect example of someone who loves their job! He is a primary school teacher and this is his first professional role which he is excelling at. He knew he needed to find a role which involved people due to his extraverted personality and he chose teaching as the career to meet this need. He talks about coping from set-backs, surrounding yourself by the right people and also about some of the creative teaching methods that he is involved with to keep the school children interested in learning - Virtual Tee – a creative way of teaching biology   Other Useful links Please join us over on any of these social links: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook My email for questions you may have or you would like me to answer on future episodes My coaching website The website for our business services Check my book out here     Own It book on Amazon