"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 012: Does a Power of Attorney have any real power?



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-012-law-lovers-lounge-series-does-a-power-of-attorney-have-any-real-power.html SHOW NOTES: Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. We call this series its title because we do love law! Seriously. When laws are absent individuals have no impartial ability to resolve conflict or protect their personal interests (sometimes known as rights). What happens in societies with no laws or no functioning legal system? How do you purchase an item or service (a house, a car, a chicken dinner, a dental cleaning etc.) if you have no laws in place to ensure that the item is safe, functions as intended, or actually is what it purports to be (is that person claiming to be a dentist someone with no education but a teeth fetish, who knows)? This is a lounge because these are general discussions on general