"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

HELP! SITUATION: “How do I respond to insults and intimidation at work?" (2)



In this HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series episode, Part 2 of a 2 part episode (with a final third part follow-up show), is, “How do I respond to direct, brutal, verbal insults and intimidation at work?” We explore the Mental Self-Defense Arts™ and learn what to do when we are emotionally and psychologically attacked at work. As shared in Part 1 of this episode, I gave a speech several years ago and an angry lady in the audience told me at the end of the event (as everyone was leaving) that I “was ugly” and that my “face was distracting.” Nice. Was that direct? Yes. Was it verbal? Yes. Would some characterize it as “brutal”, “insulting” and/ or “intimidating”? Yes. Some people want to immediately start assessing “why” the person did this? If I had told myself in the morning that I looked “great” and was told right after that by another person that I was “ugly”; what is the truth? What was I wearing? Did I look uglier than normal that day? These are all examples of blaming the victim and more importantly they