"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Ep. 034: HR.: Employee evaluations that create lawsuits? Not on your watch!



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-034-hr-heroes-hangout-series-employee-evaluations-that-create-lawsuits-not-on-your-watch.html SHOW NOTES: Our HR HEROES HANGOUT™ series is dedicated to those who serve our societies each day, toiling in the bowels of the human capital infrastructure issues that fuel all organizations (hiring, retention, engagement, compensation, legal compliance,  etc.); our HR HEROES! These are the unsung heroes that ensure that organizations achieve and sustain maximum human capital competitive advantage! In this episode our topic is, “Employee evaluations that create lawsuits? Not on your watch!” Employee evaluations (aka performance reviews) appear to some to be dull, meaningless tasks that some bureaucrat requires simply to waste time. No. The HR HEROES know that these deceptively simple tasks are the foundation for developing, deploying and maintaining organizational competitive advantages regarding human capital. If an organization needs the best team members, the e