"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

LAW LOVER’S LOUNGE: “Uh-oh, I have been pulled over by the police, now what?”-2



Our LAW LOVER'S LOUNGE™ series addresses a general overview of some of the most important issues to the general public! Attorney Courtney E. Anderson has owned a general practice law firm since 1998 in Texas, USA. There is no client relationship created between this show and Attorney Courtney E. Anderson, or The Law Offices of Courtney E. Anderson (Litigation-Mitigation.com). The content in these shows is for general educational purposes and is not the delivery of legal services. This episode addresses the topic of,“Uh-oh, I have been pulled over by the police, now what?”-2 (Part 2 of 2 part episode) If you are pulled over, immediately signal and being pulling over to a safe shoulder or location, do not ever flee. Keep your hands on the wheel in sight of the police. Roll your window down, if they ask “Do you know why I pulled you over?” Answer only, “No.” (or say nothing in the alternative). When they ask for your license and registration, say, “I am reaching for my license and registration now.” Move slow