"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS:The “Client Experience” Employee: Transform your career-1



This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series and we are exploring the specific issue of, “The “Client Experience” Employee: How it transforms careers!” (Part 1 of 2) The most common frustrations and complaints that employees share with me in regards to their employers relate to differing expectations of each party. Many employees expect that an employer will care about their personal lives, will “respect” them (as manifested in appreciation gestures), and that the employer should be loyal to them and treat them as an equal partner. There is a belief that if the employee makes sacrifices (of time, etc.) the employer should reciprocate with commitment to a longterm mutually beneficial employment relationship. These employees perceive that the employers should consider their feelings, personal obligations and experiences in crafting the work environment (schedules, etc.) and that the employer “owes” the employee the “stability” of an on-going position as long as they are “doing their job.” There