"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS:The “Client Experience” Employee: Transform your career-2



This episode is part of our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series and we are exploring the specific issue of, “The “Client Experience” Employee: How it transforms careers!” (Part 2 of 2) The most common frustrations and complaints that employees share with me in regards to their employers relate to differing expectations of each party. With a loved one (especially with a spouse/ partner), we expect to have our feelings, desires and preferences acknowledged and taken into consideration. We expect attention, caring, consideration, time, deference to our needs and desires, open communication and more from them. This show explores the idea that we should not expect that from an employer. The “Client Experience” Employee is one that treats the employer as a client. They accept that the client pays for their time and input but they may ignore everything that they advise. They understand that a client has the total option to run their lives as they choose. An attorney advises their client, “Don’t do this!” The client do