"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 065: Should I go back to school? Do I need 4 degrees?



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-065-satisfaction-saturation-series-should-i-go-back-to-school-do-i-need-4-degrees.html SHOW NOTES: You did it! You climbed that mountain (literally and/ or figuratively) and you are now resting at the summit. Breathe in that sweet air of accomplishment! Very nice. Okay, you take it all in (the view from here, the beauty, the joy of surpassing your goals, etc.). Feels awesome. Wait, are you starting to feel a bit bored? What are you going to do next? You could do nothing. You have already proven yourself and achieved many things in life. Why aren’t you simply resting on your laurels? What is the itch, the craving for the next part? It is SATISFACTION SATURATION™ and you are experiencing it.   You have “been there, done that and have the t-shirt.” You do not want anymore of this mountain. It has reached a point of saturation (as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “the act or result of supplying so much of something that no more is wanted”).  You are craving