"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

FAILURE FLASHBACK!™ - I am broke. (Part 1 of 2)



There are an endless array of experts, entertainers, athletes and politicians publicly sharing their personal journeys. They invariably describe their past of pain and despair through a valley of heartbreak until they ended up in their current rich and/or famous position in life. At times it can be helpful to learn about experiences that other people have faced that are similar to our struggles in life. It can make us feel less alone and help encourage and motivate us to persevere (“if they did it, I can do it!”). Yet, these public confessions can sometimes be self-serving simply to manipulate the potential customer, fan or voter to give the person their money, support and/ or vote. No one is perfect. We all have walked an individual path to arrive where we are today in life. If you want to know how to get where you want to go, keep walking. Asking another person how they accomplished their goals is not going to give you “the answer” to how to accomplish your goals. It may help motivate you to keep working t