"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 159: Is The Size of Your Vocabulary Limiting The Size of Your Paycheck?



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-159-joyful-art-of-business-series-is-the-size-of-your-vocabulary-limiting-the-size-of-your-paycheck.html   SHOW NOTES: Our episode today is, “Is The Size of Your Vocabulary Limiting The Size of Your Paycheck?” Whoa! Do words matter that much? I was teased as a kid in school for "using big words" and "reading too much" (it was not fun being teased and taunted). I have a lifelong love of words and reading. I was not popular when I was growing up, especially when I would rudely "correct" people for using or pronouncing words inaccurately (so don't do this!). I am naturally biased to want to believe that all of the teasing had a silver lining and that there is a benefit to having larger vocabularies. That does not mean it is true, just that I would love for it to be true as it would make me feel better. So, as we discuss in many of our programs, what does the data tell us? Why is vocabulary important (for my income)?... PLEASE VISIT SHOW SITE for the rest of