"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 160: I want to be someone else.



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-160-help-situation-spotlight-series-i-want-to-be-someone-else.html SHOW NOTES: In our HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared. This episode is, “I want to be someone else.” The title of this episode makes me sad. One of the fascinating and wonderful aspects of being alive is that we have characteristics that are uniquely ours. Most of us have unique DNA and even identical twins are rarely completely the same (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/identical-twins-genes-are-not-identical/). All of us are unique in terms of the way we express ourselves (via our behavior).  “Researchers have identified that every individual creates a unique pattern of physical behaviour including the speed at which they type, the way they move a mouse of the way they hold a phone. About 500 different behaviours are unique to every individual and, taken together, form what they call "eDNA", or electronically Defi