"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 171: GO BIG or Go HOME! Except for people, money and health.



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-171-joyful-art-of-business-series-go-big-or-go-home-except-for-with-people-money-and-health.html   SHOW NOTES: Our episode today is, "GO BIG or GO HOME! (Except for with people, money and health.)"  You are the type of person who gets the job done! People admire your tenacity, focus and intensity! You are squared away and run a tight ship. You live life to the fullest and you work and play with glee and exuberance! You don’t have any regrets as you have left no stone unturned in ensuring your life is better than your dreams. In fact, you are often the person who is asked to handle the most intense and challenging work projects. Other people trust that your seemingly inexhaustible resources of energy and determination can make the impossible, possible. You love the big risk, big reward action!  No safety net, no submission to fear. You are addicted to the adrenaline rush of the biggest adventures in life. Start a business from scratch with no money, no con