"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 172: I Have So Many Ideas That I Lose Track of Time All of The Time! What Should I Do?



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-172-self-employment-ecstasy-series-i-have-so-many-ideas-that-i-lose-track-of-time-all-of-the-time-what-should-i-do.html   SHOW NOTES: This series is designed for the statistically rare, yet often overlooked, self-employed individual who marches to their own drummer and loves it! This is not a series for people who want to consider future self-employment (aspiring) and how to become self-employed. This is a series for existing self-employment individuals. A very small number of people  are self-employed ‘full-time’ (not the best term but it does convey the intended meaning).  How are we defining self-employed in this series? Definition of Self-employed - ":  earning income directly from one's own business, trade, or profession rather than as a specified salary or wages from an employer” Self-employed. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2014, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/self-employed There is a very different professional situation for a self