"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 173: Are Your Insecurities and Fears Preventing Employee Empowerment?



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-173-management-magicians-series-are-your-insecurities-and-fears-preventing-employee-empowerment.html   SHOW NOTES: This episode is, “Are Your Insecurities and Fears Preventing Employee Empowerment?” Yes. To clarify, although this show is part of our MANAGEMENT MAGICIANS™ series we are obviously not addressing the existing management magicians when we discuss individuals who are suffering from insecurities and fears that hurt their organization (and themselves). These individuals may aspire to be management magicians in the future (or they may have been so at some time in the past and hope to return to that state). It is unhealthy for a person to be prevented from using logic and data to make decisions and instead to base actions on their fears and insecurities. 1) The sufferer of the afflictions of raging fears and insecurities needs help and treatment as soon as possible to get them on the path to recovery. Popular culture cruelly ridicules people affli