"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

SwCA Episode 191: Be EASY To Work With (or be broke).



SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-191-financial-fierceness-series-be-easy-to-work-with-or-be-broke.html   SHOW NOTES: Our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series integrates our financial goals into our development plan for surpassing our goals. We deal with the specific issues we need to explore in order to achieve (and surpass) our financial goals. This episode is, "Be EASY To Work With (or be broke)." WHAT? What does this episode title mean?   1) You want money. People want to give you money. Why make it hard for them to do so? Consider: One of the challenges that all professionals face is frustration at the self-sabotaging behaviors that some humans implement. The intersection of income and attitude is one of the most difficult for me to personally understand. I have worked as a mentor, coach, corporate trainer, speaker, consultant and attorney with people who lament their income. “I don’t make enough money!” “They don’t pay me what I am worth!” “My business is not doing well!”  Their frust