Success Life Radio With Eric G. Reid

What does a good growth environment look like?



What kind of environment are you in? Is it help you grow or holding you back? Are you a leader? If so, you can make your organization into a growth environment. Use this list to check your progress. Are you a team member? If so, you may not have much input into your environment. Use this list to see what kind of environment you might want to be in. If you’re in a bad environment, it may be time to move. If you are not able to move as easily as I did, here’s some good news: you can grow in a non-growth environment. It’s just harder. Are you a parent?This list reflects how I want my home environment to look like for my kids to growing up in. Use this list to create a growth environment in your home. You’ll give your children a gift that they’ll use the rest of their lives, as I have.