Kick Back And Kook!

EPISODE 08.08 - Allergy Free Carrot Cake Cupcakes



Chef Lisa, The Groovy Baker, is truly "groovy". There's just no better way to describe her! The Groovy Baker is a combination of all that she is; passionate about wholesome foods, supportive of the local community, and environmentally aware. Her specialty is cooking for those that have severe allergies and catering to the special dietary needs of autistic children. She is giving back to the world in a way that most people find too taxing or too labor intensive; but not Chef Lisa! See! I told you she's GROOVY! Chef Lisa supports her small local farmers - She even knows them by name! Very often her creations will be the result of a conversation that starts with "Hi - it's Lisa, what's good today?" She shops within her local community. If she has an organic option for her ingredients, she uses it. All of her baking is done from scratch - down to the smallest details like marshmallow cream and caramel saucesâ?¦..from scratch, every time. AND DELICIOUS! Good for you, good for the community, good for the planet. A