Art Talk

Pia Larsen: SINE WAVES



Talking to Pia Larsen on site at the Damien Minton Gallery in Redfern, Sydney. In her exhibition, 'Sine Waves', we discover that Pia is pushing the envelope of 'printmaking' right into the realm of sculpture, and scultpure into the realm of the wearable. From the artist's statement: The work in the exhibition, ‘Sine Waves,’ consists of wearable objects in metal, shaped prints in colour, and corporeal ‘LP’s’ ‘playing’ on customized turntables. Apertures and swirling lines appear within the metal and paper forms, reminiscent of bodies and the organs within them. The old technology of the LP record has morphed into parts of the body such as the female breast and hair whorl, each spinning new grooves. To view Pia's works while listening to the interview, first hit the play button, then hit this link: