Haunted Hunters

Welcome Emerald Valley Paranormal



Tonight we welcome our guests from Emerald Valley Paranormal. "Emerald Valley Paranormal was founded in 2007. Our group is made up of family and close friends who have known each other for many years and who have been actively researching and investigating since the early 1990's. E.V.P. approaches every investigation from a skeptics viewpoint. We use modern technology as well as common sense and experience to investigate claims of activity. We try to find EVERY logical explanation for the activity that is presenting itself until we have exhausted all theories. We want to help our clients and those in our community to find the truth of what is going on in their homes and places of business through solid evidence gathering methods and thorough research of the location. We will provide our clients with all findings of our investigation being of a paranormal nature or not. E.V.P. DOES NOT use Ouija Board, conduct séances, perform table tipping, or offer cleansings." http://www.emeraldvalleyparanormal.com/ http:/