Doctor Who: The Coal Hill A/v Club

Ep 81 - Red White and Who



Hoppin' Whovians! This week, we're joined by Jennifer Adams Kelly, Steven Hill, Jan Fennick, John Lavalie, Nicholas Seidler, and Robert Warnock - the brains behind the book "Red, White, and Who: The Story of Doctor Who in America." We discuss the good ol' days of fandom, the importance of supporting your local PBS station, and Clay's chance encounter with a beloved member of the Doctor Who family at a Waffle House in 1987. Also: convention news and more. (Note: near the end of the interview, there are a few moments where the audio gets a bit spotty due to technical whatsits, which I'm blaming on my cat. No, seriously. She knows what she did.) For more info on the book, and to purchase your own copy: End Music: "America" by Razorlight